Sunday, January 4, 2009

Winter Vacation

This winter my cousin, Emily, came. Her dad(my uncle) came too. But, her mom did not come. That's because her mom is at China working. We went to a lot of places, but I'm just writing one. The place that I'm writing about is the place we went first. Las Vegas!!!:) We stayed there for two nights. My mom said it was more than enough, but my dad said it was to short because he, my grandpa, and my uncle were always at the casino. One of the days we were super busy. Cause first we had to drive to a hotel so we could get tickets to see a show. Oh and we stayed at a new hotel called The Palazo. Okay anyways back to the point. Then we drove to this shop center. Of course my whole family did not go. Only my mom and cousin went. After they went shopping my mom, my cousin, and I went to see the show. I can't write the name because it's like French or something so I can't spell it. Anyways after the show the day was done.And that's all I'm writing.The End!!!

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